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Breaking Down the Gates of Retribution – LFR part 2

by - 11 years ago

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So you’ve purified Immerseus, faced off against the corrupted Golden Lotus, been purified by Norushen and defeated the final remaining Sha, the Sha of Pride. Now it’s time to make your way into Garrosh’s fortress beneath Orgrimmar, but don’t think the journey is going to be easy. The second wing of LFR, the Gates of Retribution, takes you from outside Orgrimmar where you’ll face off against Warlord Zaela atop Galakras, and everybody’s favourite robo-scorpion, the Iron Juggernaut, into Orgrimmar itself where the Kor’kron Dark Shaman await, and finally to General Nazgrim.

Like the previous LFR guide, not every single mechanic will be broken down in detail, just what you need to know to successfully complete the fight.

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General advice: Waves of adds will spawn throughout the fight. Stun the Bonecrushers when they use Fracture and interrupt the Shaman’s Chain Heal. You’re going to need a group to enter the towers. It’s not difficult, but people who know what they are doing is obviously preferable. A tank, a heals, and three DPS is plenty. Don’t enter the towers until the relevant Demolisher is destroyed. In order two bring down Galakras, a shot from each of the two cannons must hit her at roughly the same time. In the final phase, the raid should stay stacked behind the boss, and people with the red beam should run behind the raid so that it passes through as many people as possible.
Tanks: Be particularly aware of Fracture being used on Varian, as it is not always obvious. Try to bring mobs into Jaina’s Blizzard. Face Galakras away from the raid. If you are going into the towers, be careful not to stand in any of the ground effects.
Healers: The final phase of the fight can be healing intensive. Make sure to save your cooldowns as best you can.
DPS: Always focus the Shaman, unless a War Banner is up. Kill Demolishers quickly so tower team can get in ASAP.

ironjugs 150


General advice: Don’t stand in stuff. In second phase, try to keep your back to a wall so you don’t get punted across the room. Don’t drag the fire line through the tar.
Tanks: Swap at three stacks. If you’re not tanking, click on the crawler mines to blow them up. Second phase cannot be tanked, so focus on the crawler mines.
Healers: Be aware of a debuff damaging players. Other than that, nothing special. Help out on crawler mines if you have a damage reduction CD.
DPS: Really, don’t stand in stuff! Also help out on crawler mines if you have a damage reduction CD.

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General advice: There’s going to be lots of movement. You have lots of room to move so be aware of safe places to stand. Don’t stand in stuff, but particularly try to avoid walking through the Ashen Wall.
Tanks: Tank one boss each. You and your partner will need to trade bosses when Haromm’s tank gets to six stacks of Froststorm Strike. Kardris tank needs to be aware that they will need to run out of the raid when Foul Geyser is cast on them, as the adds will spawn around you.
Healers: The fight is hectic already, but you’ll need to watch out for players who receive the Toxic Mist debuff and make sure to heal them.
DPS: Number one job is to kill the ooze adds ASAP. Cleave/multidot the bosses to increase DPS as they share a health pool.

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General advice: Whenever you get hit by something, chances are it will increase his rage generation, making him more dangerous. The less rage he has the better. The boss has three stances: Battle, Berserker and Defensive. Battle is neutral, Berserker increases his damage output and rage generation from attacks as well as damage taken, and Defensive reduces his damage taken but gains rage every time he gets hit. If a Ravager comes out, don’t stand in it.
Tanks: Swap at 3 stacks. If you’re not on the boss, try to pick up the adds and keep them away from the boss, particularly the Warshaman. You are free to attack during Defensive Stance.
Healers: Watch out for additional damage during Berserker stance. Some players will also be given debuffs that reduce their max health. Beware of Kor’kron Assassins: if they get behind you they will Backstab you, doing a lot of damage. Help out on interrupts and dispels on the adds if you have the ability.
DPS: Focus down banners and adds as priority, particularly the Warshaman. Interrupt chain heal and magistrike. Don’t turn your back on an Assassin. Finally, DO NOT ATTACK DURING DEFENSIVE STANCE.

Good luck and have fun!

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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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