Category "Hearthstone"

Battleground Season 6 Releases December 5

by - 1 year ago

Patch 28.2 is going to drop in less than a week and with it will be the release of Battlegrounds Season 6. Season 6 will remove the anomalies we all know (and love/hate) today and will bring the introduction to spells in the tavern. There will be 42 new spells in battlegrounds across all tiers and will be purchasable in the tavern. Each tavern will consist of 1 spell along with the normal amount of minions you get today. This will release on December 5, 2023 and reveal season starts tomorrow with a preview event on December 4 complete with […]

Balance Update – Patch 28.0.3

by - 1 year ago

Hearthstone is releasing a new patch today that is mostly a balance update in standard and finally changing Sharshooter as well as a few other cards. We also have some buffs and nerfs to Battlegrounds – keep in mind there was a teaser yesterday from Hearthstone’s social media that something more seems to be coming for battlegrounds as well. Does not appear to just be this patch update.

Showdown in the Badlands – Standard Bundle Giveaway

by - 1 year ago

Note: Giveaway closed – winners have been emailed! Blizzard has given us 5 Bundles to giveaway for Showdown in the Badlands that comes out tomorrow! I’ve been sick and fallen behind – so I’m doing this as a quick turn-around giveaway. The winners will be selected around 10 AM central tomorrow morning and you’ll get the code emailed to you as soon as the winners are selected. Should be right in time for the release of the new expansion. To enter, you just have to fill out this little form with your email and how you heard about the giveaway: […]

Welcome to BlizzCon 2023!

by - 1 year ago

BlizzCon 2023 has officially started! After a brief cinematic featuring many of the characters Blizzard fans have come to know and love over the years, Blizzard President Mike Ybarra took the stage to open the festivities. One of the main points of Mike’s speech was pointing out that the Blizzard community has always been a bit different in how it brings people together from across the street to around the world, both online and in real life. He discussed the team’s commitment to allowing that growth to continue into the future. Mike then introduced Phil Spencer, CEO of Microsoft Gaming. […]

Patch Notes 27.6

by - 1 year ago

With the announcement of the new expansion coming in November, we also got a big patch today. Some balance changes in this one as well as being able to mass open packs. Something welcome considering for a lot of people coming back to Hearthstone you might be seeing a new 80 packs gifted to you from Blizzard. Now you can open those even quicker.

Showdown in the Badlands, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion Arriving in November

by - 1 year ago

Blizzard has announced Hearthstone’s next expansion today which will be released on November 14. Interesting timing of announcement with BlizzCon around the corner, but we expect to hear more about what Hearthstone has coming beyond just this announcement. Apparently we will also be seeing the cinematic trailer for the expansion revealed at BlizzCon.

Fall of Ulduar Mini-Set Revealed

by - 1 year ago

The Hearthstone team has announced today the new mini-set for TITANS with 38 new cards called the Fall of Ulduar. The set will release next week on September 19 and will have 4 new legendary cards, 1 epic card, 17 rare cards, and 16 common cards. You can open these in TITANS card packs or buy the complete set for $14.99 (or 2000 gold) or you can get the full golden versions for $69.99 or 10,000 gold. The all gold set also includes a bonus Diamond Legendary. The new set focuses mostly on Yogg-Saron’s anomalies with the likes of cards […]

TITANS Bundle Giveaway

by - 2 years ago

We have 5 Hearthstone TITANS bundles to giveaway that were provided to us by Blizzard. The bundle includes: 60 TITANS card packs TITANS “Inge” Card Back 2 random Legendary cards from TITANS Entering is simple. Just fill out the following form (must be logged into a Google account) with the email address to contact you and where you heard about this contest from. At 5 PM CST on 7/25/2023 I will be selecting the 5 winners and contacting them through email. The email will be coming from I’ll be the only one seeing the email addresses, I won’t be […]

A Truly Titanic Expansion

by - 2 years ago

The internet won’t stop talking about Titanic, and in order to understand all the details let me begin with some very basic concepts. So… late stage capitalism encourages individuals to be… oh wait. Sorry different Titanic. Someone had to make that joke. Well they didn’t. But I wanted to. THIS Titanic won’t come with that much pressure. Sorry. Again. Sort of. Hearthstone has announced its newest Expansion TITANS set to launch soon ™, and based off of past indicators likely late July or early August. There are many new and exciting things set to arrive and boy howdy they look […]

Battlegrounds Season 4 Announced: May 9 Launch

by - 2 years ago

Sorry it’s been quiet here the last few weeks! I have been out on vacation without internet basically since mid April and just got back home a couple days ago. Kind of missed a lot with the new expansion and all of that, but we are back and ready to roll with the new Battlegrounds season which is launching on May 9. Also keep an eye on some dev talks and a preview event this upcoming weekend.

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