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Blizzcon 2015: Legion Content Overview Liveblog

by - 9 years ago

Here I will be doing a live blog for the Legion Content overview panel.

12:30: Legion panel has Started and Alex Afrasiabi is giving an overview for the Story

12:36: It’s their goal to do better storytelling in Legion.

12:37: Legion kicks off right after the Cinematic in the Broken Shore where players will see characters like Varian and Sylvanas.

12:40: The Broken Shore is a 40 player scenario with 20 players one each side fighting to the top of the Tomb of Sargeras to face the Ultimate Evil and to find out the fate of Azeroth. This will also be a part of the level 100 boost experience.

12:41: There will be an in-game cinematic at the beginning of the Demon Hunter starting content tos et the time table for your mission.

12:44: This mission will send you to the planet of Mardum, the home to all of the demons that Sargeras himself jailed when he was a Titan of the Pantheon.

12:45: There will be new demons a long with updated ones that will be storming into Azeroth.

12:47: Demons aren’t the only thing coming with the demon War Machine, they have also brought new Legion constructs of war to be help destroy Azeroth.

12:48: We will be fighting fire with fire by playing Demon Hunters. You will elarn your spells as you go by ripping the powers of your demonic enemies and using it them against your foes.

12:50: Demon Hunters get their own Fel-Hunter Mount!

12:51: Mardum will be the Demon Hunter class Order Hall, where you’ll start a quest for your own Artifact War Glaives.

12:53: Gameplay Designer Julian Morres enters the stage to talk about the Broken Isles.

12:55: Val’Sharah is the hiddena nd forgotten heart of druidism.

12:56: Black Rook Hold played a pivotal part in the first war against the Legion. You will meet three powerful Arch Druids in Val’Sharar along with new Satyr and Dragon Enemies.

12:57: New Moonkin models revealed! Along with new Aquatic form models!

1:00: Video overview of Val’Sharah and it’s areas.

1:01: Stormheim is the dangerous Highlands of the Broken Isles and home to the Vrykul. You will also pick up on the story of the Vrykul. They came to they came to the Broken Shore in search of their true gods.

1:05: New Valkyr models will appear in Legion. You will also fight against a Legion corrupted Godking.

1:06: There will be a brand new Dragonflight in Stormheim called the “Storm Born”

1:06: Video overview of Stormheim.

1:07: Talking about Azsuna now which was once an ancient elven civilization.

1:08: View distance in game will be increased by 3x in Legion!

1:09: New enemy in Azsuna is the Specter, which is the male version of a banshee and looks really freaky.

1:10: New Naga enemy called the brute, and all Naga models are getting an upgrade. The naga are allies with Sea Giants, and a brand new enemy they call the “Wrath of Azshara”.

1:12: They really wanted to expand on the ancient Night Elf architecture for Azsuna and have worked hard to provide that.

1:13: Overview Video of Azsuna.

1:14: They are now talking about Highmountain, which is central to the Broken Isles.

1:15: The Drogbar are a new shamanistic race that was once controlled by Nefarian and is the main enemy in Highmountain.

1:16: Highmountain is also infested with the new Alpine Harpy.

1:17: Going over the appearance of the Highmountain Tauren.

1:18: Highmountain is heavily inspired by the Swiss Alps.

1:19: Overview Video for Highmountain, it looks very pretty, the new Howling Fjord?

1:20: Moving on to the zone Suramar.

1:21: Suramar has a massive city to the south of the zone. It is also home to the Nightwell which has been corrupted and abused by a new elven species called The Nightborne. These elves are evolved from Night Elves thanks to the corruption of the Nightwell and the help of Gul’dan.

1:22: The Nightfallen are exiled Nightborne who are having terrible physical withdrawls from not being able to feast on the energy of the Nightwell (Blood Elves 2.0 /s).

1:24: Suramar City is one of the most ambitious projects for a city in WoW to date. It is massive.

1:25: Video overview of Suramar.

1:26: Fal’Dranath will be like Tanaan and talked about later as it’s still very much being worked on.

1:27: You will start in the city of Dalaran and you can play each zone in any order that you want as they all scale to your character. Suramar is a level 110 zone.

1:30: Artifacts will keep you ahead of the curve while leveling in the Broken Isles

1:31: All items and rewards will scale accordingly with the zone scaling feature.

1:32: Time to talk about Endgame Dungeons, Raids, and Reputations.

1:33: They want to keep the player freedom of choice for content but still keep some sense of structure that doesn’t rely on dailies like MoP.

1:35: They don’t want to limit you to one zone for outdoor gameplay at endgame, each zone has new outdoor objectives like public quest events and objectives for players to participate in and there are always different ones constantly happening (FINALLY!!!).

1:37: These can vary from World Boss events, Minigames, PvP objectives, and garrison like missions but for players instead of followers.

1:38: Some of these will be started from your class order halls via request from various factions in the Broken Isles. (Outdoor Endgame looks very promising in Legion).

1:40: The Emerald Nightmare is a 7 boss raid in Val’Sharah which is corrupted by Xavius. This will launch with Legion.

1:41: The first Raid Boss of Emerald Nightmare is a corrupted Dragon.

1:42: Another boss is a corrupted Cenarius (say whaaaat??).

1:43: Xavius is of course the last boss.

1:44: Video showing off the Emerald Nightmare raid (looks 2 spooky).

1:45: The Palace of Suramar is a 10 man raid where you will be going after the last Pillar of Creation and facing off against Gul’Dan.

1:46: Enemies are Dredlords and Nightborne.

1:47: The level up dungeons are, Eye of Azshara, Neltharion’s Lair, Halls of Valor, Darkheart Thicket, and Violet Hold. They really want to integrate these into the story of the zones and directly culminate in dungeons. They can be done in any order.

1:48: Max level dungeons are Vault of the Wardens, Black Rook Hold, Helheim, Suramar Noble District, and Suramar Catacombs.

1:55: They want to keep Dungeons relevant throughout the entire expansion. Mythic Dungeons were a good start.

1:57: Challenge Modes will be accessed by a Challengers Keystone that will determine the level of the dungeon. They have a time limit but it is being adjusted. If you complete a challenge mode in time, you get a more powerful stone for a harder dungeon to get better rewards. If you fail the time yous till get rewards in the end. (These sound like greater rifts from Diablo III).

2:00: These Challenge modes have unique modifiers to the enemies and yourself (a lot like Maps from Path of Exile).

2:01: The beta starts in the weeks right after Blizzcon!

Alright guys the panel is now over, I hope you found some of this stuff just as interesting and cool as I did!























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