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Select Free Character Migrations through January 21 – UPDATED

by - 11 years ago

UPDATE (1/16/2014) – Bashiok posted today that the character transfer web page is experiencing “inexplicable” downtime. He continues:

We’re continuing to investigate the cause, but don’t have a current estimate for when the FCMs will be available. We’ll provide an update and re-post the announcement on the front page of the site once they are, though.


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More free character migrations were announced today in a Blizzard blog post. Effective through January 21, the migrations are available to players on the following realms:


  • Draenor → Magtheridon, Wildhammer, or Kilrogg
  • Silvermoon → Magtheridon, Wildhammer, or Kilrogg
  • Kazzak → The Maelstrom or Grim Batol
  • Outland → The Maelstrom or Grim Batol
  • Ragnaros → The Maelstrom or Grim Batol
  • Stormscale → The Maelstrom or Grim Batol
  • Sylvanas → The Maelstrom or Grim Batol
  • Twisting Nether → The Maelstrom or Grim Batol


  • Area 52 or Stormrage → Turalyon
  • Tichondrius or Illidan → Blackrock
  • Bleeding Hollow or Darkspear → Korgath

By initiating one of these transfers, you will be moving your character to a new realm and home. This is a one-time, one-way move. If you wish to move your character elsewhere, you will need to use the paid transfer service.

Please be aware that, due to the unpredictable nature of free transfers, we may close down any Free Character Migrations at any time and without warning if the target realm becomes full. If you plan to move with friends or your guild, we suggest that you coordinate the effort to reduce the chance of any stragglers being left behind.

Early closures aside, this set of Free Character Migrations will end on Tuesday, January 21.


To learn more about how free character migrations work, check out the official FAQ on Battle.net here.


Seth Harkins

PC gamer and lover of (most) things Blizzard. In his off time, he writes bad fan fiction, tends to his growing number of house plants, and enjoys a love-hate relationship with two cats.

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