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New Year, New Connected Realms

by - 10 years ago

NJKJW53FJA3G1372445749288Blizzard has just announced the next round of Connected Realms, in both North America and Europe, with one batch scheduled go live this week, and another new batch announced with no date in mind.

North American Realms

We will be connecting the realms listed below on Thursday, January 9th during a scheduled maintenance beginning at 6 a.m. PST through approximately 11:00 a.m. PST. Once maintenance is finished, these realm connections will be complete.

  • Bladefist and Kul Tiras
  • Nazgrel and Nesingwary/Vek’nilash
  • Nazjatar and Blood Furnace/ Mannoroth
  • Norgannon and Kargath
  • Stormscale and Drak’Tharon/Firetree/Malorne/Rivendare/Spirestone
  • Uldaman and Ravencrest

We do not have a date for the following realm connections, but will update this post when we do.

  • Antonidas and Uldum
  • Blade’s Edge and Thunderhorn
  • Bonechewer and Aegwynn/Daggerspine/Gurubashi/Hakkar
  • Destromath and Azgalor
  • Jaedenar and Agamaggan
  • Shu’halo and Eitrigg

*​Plans for these connections may change at any time, but we’ll provide additional updates on specific dates for future connections here as we can. Please note that as a part of the connection process realm times may change to match each other.

European Realms

We will be connecting the realms listed below later this week:

English Realms

  • (PvP) Trollbane and Shattered Halls/Talnivarr/Chromaggus/Daggerspine/Boulderfist

French Realms

  • (PvP) Rashgarroth and Arak-arahm/Throk’Feroth
  • (PvP) Sinstralis and Eldre’Thalas

Spanish Realms

  • (PvE) Colinas Pardas and Tyrande

German Realms

  • (PvP) Gul’dan and Anetheron/Rajaxx

The following realms are scheduled to be connected next:

English Realms

  • (PvP) Ahn’Qiraj and Shattered Halls/Talnivarr/Chromaggus/Daggerspine/Boulderfist/Trollbane
  • (PvP) Bloodfeather and Kor’gall/Burning Steppes/Executus

French Realms

  • (PvP) Cho’gall and Eldre’Thalas/Sinstralis

German Realms

  • (PvP) Festung der Stürme and Anetheron/Rajaxx/Gul’dan
  • (PvE) Nozdormu and Garrosh

Whether your realm is being added to an existing cluster of realms or being connected for the first time, or if this whole connection business is a mystery, you may want to check out our primer on connected realms for an idea of what to expect.

As a final note, EU CM Takralus added a short FAQ to the update post which bears repeating:

Q. My realm needs connecting, is it on your list?
A. All low and some medium population realms will be connected. They’ll all have a healthy population when we’re done.
Q. When will my realm be connected?
A. We’ll try to keep you posted on the latest schedules as we get them.
Q. My realm has a lower population than those on the list, why isn’t mine being connected first?
A. The order we connect realms depends on a number of technical factors, but we will get to them all.

If you’re on a connected realm, what’s been your experience so far? If not, are you looking forward to connection or dreading it? Let us know in the comments.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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