Help this WoW Community Member for a Good Cause
by JR Cook - 12 years ago show comments
Alix Sharp is a pretty big fan of BlizzPro and a great member of the World of Warcraft community. When this showed up on my radar recently I knew we had to post about it and help get the word out for it.
I’ll just let her tell her story:
Hello everyone!
My name is Alix Sharp, and I am a full time student who wishes to change the face of gaming to make it more adaptable for disabilities, and to be a voice for a different type of equality – one that isn’t thought of as much.
I am a volunteer and livestreamer that supports the AbleGamers Foundation through playing World of Warcraft. I understand the needs of our special community, as I’m also epileptic – and it seems that most major companies don’t understand the visual effects that can affect us physically, or how they set up controllers for those that have limited range with their hands.
My sincerest wish is to conduct research and be an advocate for the able-gaming community. Another is a way to streamline localization and to learn about that. The Tokyo Game Show scholarship that I have received through the International Game Developers’ Association is a way for me to obtain my goals, and to bring light to issues that are within the able-gaming community.
I may be only one person, but I know that with your sponsorship and kind donations, I can go one step further in fulfilling my dreams.
Thank you for your consideration,
Alix Sharp
First of all, AbleGamers Foundation is a pretty awesome non profit charity group that seeks to improve the overall quality of life for those with disabilities through the power of video games. They believe strongly that video games can help people with disabilities have a chance to experience things that may be difficult or limited in the real world. They way they do this is by reaching out to companies to make them aware of such things but also work with game companies to make sure their games and products can be easily accessible by those with disabilities – whether within game design itself or by creating assistive tools, such as special game pads.
Alix will be attending the Tokyo Game Show through a scholarship she received where she will be able to help spread the word and help bring more focus to the needs of players with disabilities to the industry.
Where she needs YOUR
help though is through donations to help her GET
to the event. When talking to her the other day all money donated through her campaign will go toward travel expenses and any money over the amount she’s asking for will go to the AbleGamers Foundation. She’s trying to raise $1,500 and she’s up to a little over $300. Her campaign will end September 10, 2013 – so she really needs the money by then.
Now, like I said before – Alix has been a huge part of the WoW community and gives a lot to the community in general. I would love to see her reach her goal. So to try and entice some people to donate – BlizzPro will match donations up to the next $100 that come through us
, just simply leave a note that you donated from BlizzPro when you donate. It’s a great way to double your donation and really make it count. Every little bit helps, if we had each of our readers simply donate $5 she’ll hit her goal and then some by the end of the day.
So let’s show some love and help me spend some of my money in the process.