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Closed Beta Survival Guide: The Garden of Terror

by - 9 years ago

With closed beta invites going out a lot of people are going to be entering the Nexus. Some of you may have never played a MOBA and might need tips on how to survive. No worries, though, because BlizzPro is here to help! Today we will break down The Garden of Terror.

The Garden of Terror is divided into two phases: day and night. During the day it is a standard 3 lane map with mercenary camps. When it turns to night is when the real fun starts.  Creep camps appear in the top and bottom forest with each forest containing two small camps of 3 seedlings and 1 plant boss in the center. You and your team must finish off these camps in order to collect seeds. Once your seed count hits 100 you can summon the Garden Terror.

Garden of Terror art

The Garden Terror is controlled by one player and gains unique abilities when piloted. Q: Spore Queens Curse sets down a seed and after a short duration turns all enemies standing in the area into plants. When plants the enemies lose access to their abilities and cannot attack. W:Plant Horror Overgrowth creates a small potted plant that sprouts and entangles all structures in a radius around it. When the building are entangled they no longer function and are dealt massive damage over time. Also any enemy creeps or mercenaries that enter the radius of overgrowth are melted with insane damage over time. E:Sprint is an ability that allows the Garden Terror to move around much faster. Use this to get to lane quicker and escape enemy ganks.

Using the Garden Terror effectively can take a bit of practice but really isn’t too tough when you know what to do. Though the Terror looks imposing it can actually die quite easily when focused by 3-5 members of the enemy team. The focus when controlling the Terror should be getting as many uses out of Overgrowth as possible. If you are in a lane and you drop one overgrowth then the enemy team advances on you it is probably a good idea to run to another lane so you can drop overgrowth again. Do your best to get the most out of your Garden Terror’s duration and things should go well. Below is a short video highlighting some of these concepts.


JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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