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A Hint for the Next Hearthstone Adventure Mode

by - 8 years ago

The professional Asian team Celstial created a post on Facebook that says Chinese media Iplaymtg revealed that the next Hearthstone adventure mode will be themed after a WoW raid that has a name with exactly three Chinese characters. Reddit poster /u/czhihong made a post that the reason this source is credible is because the same person also revealed a couple days ago that the new Shaman hero was coming through a Recruit a Friend feature, which was released yesterday.

Czihong also notes that there are really only 4 raids that have 3 characters with their full names and they are:

  • Highmaul
  • Terrace of Endless Springs
  • Ulduar
  • Karazhan

The popular theory seems to lean toward Karazhan since it’s a beloved raid and has tie ins with the recently released Warcraft movie and even the upcoming Legion WoW expansion. Ulduar has a strong possibility because it’s where Yogg-Saron was found. Both raids have plenty of bosses to make things work in an adventure mode (11+) where as Highmaul and Terrace of the Endless Springs had 7 or fewer.

However, I think many people are missing a hint that has been in front of our eyes for a while now and we even talked about on the Well Met Podcast a few episodes ago.

Data miners had picked up well over a month ago a new card back for Halfhill, which is a zone in Pandaria. With this being the Year of the Kraken and we started with the Old Gods, it would make sense to me to venture off to a lighter Pandaria theme and take on the Sha. For those not into the WoW lore, the Sha were spawned from the dying breath of the Old God Y’Shaarj.

So in my opinion, the THEME (not they did not say NAME of the next adventure mode) could very well be Terrace of the Endless Springs and could tie in the Sha and other things going on in Pandaria. This would explain why we have had no details of what the Halfhill card back will be and why it’s possible in the next couple weeks we have an announcement and then find out Halfhill is the card back for ranked play in August.

I’ve been talking about a Pandaria theme following up Old Gods ever since it was announced, with the Halfhill card back and the fact that Terrace of Endless Springs is on the “final four” list of possibilities, I do think we will be traveling there sometime in the next month.

I’m still holding out hope for Karazhan though.

What are your thoughts? What will we see in the next adventure mode? Let me know how wrong I am in the comments below!

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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