Rexxar Has Arrived!
by JR Cook - 9 years ago show comments
Let the hunt begin!
Rexxar has arrived in the Nexus, and he has brought his loyal companion Misha along with him. Not only is Rexxar the first ranged Warrior to be introduced into the game, but he is also our first Hunter (the best WoW class).
While likely not as difficult as The Lost Vikings, the fact that Rexxar’s pet Misha will require some independent control should open up interesting game play options. I think we will be amazed at some of the plays that high level players will pull off with this Hero, but I think we will also have more than a few face palm moments in Quick Match games. Either way, it should be fun to watch.
Rexxar is available for purchase thru the in game shop. You can buy just the Hero for $9.99, or pick up the Frostlord Rexxar Bundle for $13.11, which includes the Hero and a skin. As will all new Heroes, he is also available for 15,000 gold.
In addition to a new Hero, there were also a few other changes included in today’s patch.
The Eternal Conflict event has ended. This means that Diablo 3 players will no longer receive a free Diablo Hero upon logging into Heroes of the Storm. It also means no more Treasure Goblins, or the quests to kill them.
There have also been changes to which mounts are available thru the in game shop. The Butcher’s Beast, previously only available as part of a Bundle, is now available for individual purchase. The Cyber and Dire Wolf mounts have returned to the shop, and the Magic Carpet mount has been temporarily removed.
The Rank Played changes that were mentioned in a recent blog have also been rolled out. This means that players can now only queue for Hero League solo, or as a party of two. Full teams of five can continue to play Team League as usual. Click here to read the original blog discussing these changes, and the ideas behind them.
New reporting options, as well silence penalties for abusive players, have been added as well. You can read more about these changes here.
The last major change in this patch is a nerf to Kael’thas. The Chain Bomb talent will now only apply Living Bomb to the three closest enemies that are not already under it’s effects, preferring Heroes. Prior to this change, there was no limit to the number of targets that could be affected by Chain Bomb, which resulted in Heroes sometimes being killed instantly if they were caught within a large minion wave.
The complete patch notes are included below, or you can click here to view them in a separate window.
The portals that pulled the Eternal Conflict into the Nexus have finally been sealed, and the ceaseless struggle between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells has been whisked back to the realm of Sanctuary. Today’s update brings a brand new Hero to the game, as well as changes for Ranked play, player reporting, and marks the end of several Eternal Conflict promotions. Please find today’s patch notes below.

The Following Eternal Conflict Promotions Have Ended
- Diablo III and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls players will no longer automatically receive the Diablo hero for free upon logging into Heroes of the Storm. Those who received Diablo through this promotion have permanently unlocked him.
- All of the Treasure Goblins that invaded the Nexus during the Eternal Conflict have been exterminated. As a result, the Special Event Quests “Kill a Treasure Goblin” and “Kill 50 Treasure Goblins” will no longer appear in Quest Logs, and can no longer be completed.
- Read our recent forum post for more details now that the Eternal Conflict has left the Nexus.
Rexxar, Champion of the Horde, has been added to Heroes of the Storm and is now available for play! Read on for a brief overview of this new Warrior Hero’s Abilities.
- Misha
- Misha, Rexxar’s faithful bear companion, accompanies you on the battlefield at all times. She has her own Health pool, and can be ordered to attack enemies or follow you closely. If she is killed, Misha will respawn at your side once her death timer expires. If Rexxar dies, so will Misha.
- Misha, Follow! (D)
- Activate to command Misha to stay by your side.
- Misha, Attack! (D)
- Activate to command Misha to attack your enemies
Basic Abilities
- Spirit Swoop (Q)
- Deal damage to enemies in a line, slowing them by 30% for 2 seconds.
- Misha, Charge! (W)
- Misha charges in a line, dealing 30 damage and stunning enemies for 1.25 seconds.
- Mend Pet (E)
- Heal Misha over 5 seconds.
Heroic Abilities
- Unleash the Boars (R)
- Release a herd of boars that track down all enemy Heroes in a direction, dealing a small amount of damage, revealing, and slowing enemies by 40% for 5 seconds.
- Bestial Wrath (R)
- Increases Misha’s Basic Attack damage by 150% for 12 seconds.
- New Bundles
- Frostlord Rexxar Bundle – Available for a limited time
- Rexxar has been added to the in-game Shop!
- Returning Mounts
- Butcher’s Beast — This Mount is now available for purchase as an individual item.
- Cyber Wolf
- Dire Wolf
- Mount Removals
- Magic Carpet
- New Skins
- Frostlord Rexxar
- Rexxar Master Skin
Ranked Play
- Hero League
- Additional party size rules have been added to Hero League, which is now limited to players who queue alone, or in parties of two.
- Learn more about this change by reading our recent Party Size Changes for Hero League blog.
Player Reporting
- Silence Penalty
- Players who are frequently reported for Abusive Chat will be given a Silence Penalty.
- While silenced, players may not send chat messages in-game, in general or custom chat channels, or in Hero League draft lobbies. They also cannot send whisper messages to non-friends.
- A player’s first Silence Penalty will last for 24 hours.
- Each Silence Penalty received after the first will double in duration, and there is no maximum amount of time that a player can be silenced.
- Silenced players will be notified of the penalty’s remaining duration each time they log in to Heroes.
- An orange speech bubble icon will appear on silenced players’ portraits in the game’s menus to indicate their silenced status to others.
- To learn more about Silence Penalties, please review our recent Reporting Options and Silence Penalty blog.
- Players who are frequently reported for Abusive Chat will be given a Silence Penalty.
- Living Bomb (W)
- Chain Bomb (Talent)
- Living Bomb’s explosion now applies Living Bomb to the three closest enemies that are not already under its effects, preferring Heroes.
- Chain Bomb (Talent)
Heroes and Talents
- Abathur’s Toxic Nests will no longer provide larger than intended areas of vision.
User Interface
- Fixed a display issue affecting vehicle and objective unit status bars.
- Team League games are now properly listed as Team League in the Match History, rather than Unknown.