Tag "Raiding"

LFG? Look No Further!

by - 5 years ago

In early 2010 a website was created by members of the community. The goal of this website was to bring players together someplace outside of the World of Warcraft. Someplace that would allow them to create groups, schedule events, and share a passion for different types of gameplay even if their characters didn’t reside on the same server. Raiding, battlegrounds, mount farming, or even just get togethers for non-instanced activities like RP events or social hours. There were very few limits on the types of events that could be created on the site. However, as with most things, the site […]

Arcane Analysis Episode 26: You Must Be This Tall To Raid

by - 7 years ago

Tannlin makes a permanent return to the show, joining Sam and Ally to discuss gate-keeping, how players use external tools to develop arbitrary hurdles to ensure success in-game which can breed a less-than-pleasant environment for less progressed players. The show is recorded every other Tuesday. You can listen here or find us on Stitcher,  iTunes, or Google Play. If you have any questions for the show, email us at ArcAna@blizzpro.com, or you can find us on Twitter: @ArcaneAnalysis, @Allayva, @Tannlin, and @Ktjnwow. You can also join the conversation on our Discord!

Arcane Analysis Episode 03: Raiding

by - 8 years ago

Welcome to Arcane Analysis, a podcast focused on all things related to World of Warcraft! Each week your hosts Sam, Ally, and Katie will discuss the finer points of raiding, pvp, current esports events, and the game’s ever-evolving design. The Nighthold content release inspires the topic of the third episode: raids. The girls discuss the evolution of raid sizes, difficulties, the impact of releasing content too soon or languishing through content droughts, and the sought after sweet spot in between. The show will be prerecorded every Tuesday, and made available Wednesday. You can listen here or find us on Stitcher,  iTunes, or Google […]

BlizzCon 2015: Legion Raids — Emerald Nightmare and Grand Palace of Suramar

by - 9 years ago

Take a look at World of Warcraft: Legion‘s two launch raids in our continuing recap of this year’s BlizzCon. The two raids, Emerald Nightmare and Grand Palace of Suramar, will feature 7 and 10 bosses respectively and explore the new and returning threats in Legion: Lord Xavius, Gul’dan and the Nightborne. Emerald Nightmare Launching a couple weeks after Legion begins similar to Highmaul in Warlords of Draenor, Emerald Nightmare will be the first in-depth journey players have into the Emerald Dream. The raid has 7 bosses and culminates with a fight against Xavius. Quick recap: the Emerald Dream has been a popular […]

Raid Mechanics: Helfire Citadel

by - 10 years ago

Hellfire Citadel has been out for some time now and I would like to give my first impressions on it. The first night I began progress on Hellfire Citadel we started in Heroic, as this was the difficulty my guild was clearing in Blackrock Foundry. After many failed attempts at Hellfire Assault we decided to go down to normal and were able to clear the first few bosses. We were stuck in a difficulty limbo, because the first few bosses in normal felt too easy but were too hard in heroic. As we kept progressing the difficulty did ramp up. I […]

Raid Mechanics: Overview of Blackrock Foundry

by - 10 years ago

With patch 6.2 coming out next week we are saying goodbye to progression through Blackrock Foundry. This tier had its good and bad moments and with this article I would like to examine Blackrock Foundry and its impact in the game.   Blackrock Foundry has very mechanic heavy fights. This is good because it leads to more interestingly designed encounters. It is very hard to just brute force yourself through this raid and you have to learn fights in order to progress. At the start this was very fun but it got very tiring, specially when you are stuck on a specific […]

Raid Mechanics: Itemization Changes Part 2

by - 10 years ago

Yesterday I began discussing the latest Dev Watercooler article here, specifically the changes to personal loot. Today I will cover the next two sections: secondary stats and the item level ramp. The section about secondary stats is very cryptic. It talks about how in the past specific loot would be more exciting because it might have been best in slot for your class and spec, and now with how loot works you generally just use whatever you get. Their response to this is making stat weights a bit more important towards your attuned stat. They are also panning on toying […]

Raid Mechanics: Gruul

by - 10 years ago

Gruul is an interesting boss to look at. Back in Burning Crusade we met this ogre lord as Gruul the Dragon Slayer and he even had his lair as a raid instance. The alternate reality of Draenor was not good to him though and now he is a slave to the Iron Horde. As part of the torture he went through Gruul lost his hand and had it replaced by a hook. Mechanically this contributes to his ability Inferno Slice, which helps give contrast to how this alternate reality changed him. (Old School Gruul) Gruul is the closest to a […]

Raid Mechanics: Legendary Ring

by - 10 years ago

 Since Mists of Pandaria came out Blizzard has moved away from specific legendary weapons to long quest based rewards that give everyone the chance to obtain a legendary item. One of the problems with this approach is how legendary items have stopped feeling legendary. Everyone had a cloak back in Mists and it simply became a raid requirement, it might as well been another epic. On the other hand having a quest that puts you on a journey, which rewards you a very powerful item, for the whole expansion is very cool. Now that we got a PTR for 6.2 we can start looking […]

Raid Mechanics: Oregorger

by - 10 years ago

I will start analyzing some of the specific fights from this tier and to begin we will look at everyone’s favorite goren: Oregorger.   When you begin your journey through Blackrock Foundry Orgorger will be one of the first bosses you face. I personally have a love hate relationship with this venom spitting monstrosity. When Foundry was first released I was playing a Guardian Druid, while covering for my guilds main tank who was moving. Soaking the Acid Torrents as a bear sucks and me not being used to playing a tank made this fight more painful that what it should […]

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