Tag "quick match"
New Patch Brings Major Quick Match Changes
by JR Cook - 6 years ago show comments
Are you ready to answer the Call? The latest Heroes of the Storm patch has brought with it the eagerly awaited role restrictions for Quick Match. Labeled “Call of the Nexus”, Quick Match comps will now prioritize creating teams with at least one Warrior, Support, and Ranged Assassin. In the case of pre-made groups of three or more the following rules will also be in effect: Parties of 3 must have at least one of the required Hero categories selected to queue. Parties of 4 must have at least two of the required Hero categories selected to queue. Parties of […]
More Details Emerge on the 2019 Gameplay Update
by JR Cook - 6 years ago show comments
The Opening Ceremonies gave us our first look at what is coming soon in Heroes of the Storm. While the Opening Ceremony was big on announcements, it was lacking in details. Since then new information has started to emerge on one of the big announcements from the Opening Ceremonies: the 2019 Gameplay Update. 2019 Gameplay Update The experience system is being refined to keep matches closer. Destroying a Fort will now spawn a catapult every third minion wave, providing a strategic advantage. Armor will no longer stack, making it more consistent with movement speed buffs and debuffs. A brand new Armor […]
Lead Developer Reddit Q&A Recap
by JR Cook - 7 years ago show comments
Several Leads from the Heroes team took to Reddit earlier today to answer questions from the community. The team has been up front recently about the fact that they haven’t been as communicative as they should have been about hot-button issues. This Reddit Q&A is just another example of how they intend to correct that. If you missed yesterday’s Developer Blog dealing with topics like toxicity, 3rd bans, and MMR decay you can find it here. Our Reddit AMA, featuring the Lead Heroes Developers, is now live! Stop by to ask your questions or catch up with what's new in […]
Heroes Developer Interview From PAX East
by JR Cook - 7 years ago show comments
By now you have probably heard the big news out of PAX East. You know that Deckard Cain will be the next Hero released and that the lore behind the Nexus will start to be explored in an upcoming comic. If you are like the rest of us, you probably still have plenty of questions. Fortunately, BlizzPro’s very own Stephen Stewart, aka “Leviathan” from Westmarch Workshop fame, is at PAX East. He was able to sit down with two members of the Heroes team to talk Deckard Cain, the lore of the Nexus, and other hot topics. Here is a […]
Quick Match Just Keeps Getting Better
by JR Cook - 8 years ago show comments
Known as “Wacky Match” by some, Quick Match has always been a mode of play where almost anything goes. This is the natural by-product of creating a team from five random people who are playing whichever Heroes strike their fancy. Blizzard has traditionally embraced this style of play and avoided making hard and fast matchmaking rules for QM as a result. However, they do understand that not every combination of five Heroes is viable and over time they have added more and more matchmaking parameters to improve the overall QM experiences. Community Manager Ravinix took to the forums recently to detail a […]
Quick Match Queue Times Improved
by JR Cook - 8 years ago show comments
Have you felt like you are waiting less time to get into Quick Match games recently? A post on the official forums from Community Manager Rathmyr confirms that queue times are indeed faster for most players and explains how this improvement was made. The TLDR version is that there was a matchmaking rule in place that gave priority to those players who had been waiting longest for a game and would “hold” other players from getting a match until these players found a game. This rule was being applied to players in normal skill ranges even though the players who were […]
Tips For Moving From Versus AI To Quick Match
by JR Cook - 8 years ago show comments
The Nexus Challenge, and the marketing push that accompanied it, has brought a large influx of new players into the Nexus. For many of these players, their Heroes experience has been limited to Versus AI games. This is understandable since playing against bots is a common choice for new players in general, and it also the most efficient way to complete the challenge and reap the benefits. Fortunately, many of the players who were drawn into the Nexus by the lure of Overwatch rewards have discovered that they actually enjoy Heroes of the Storm. As these players continue to play the […]
What To Do When You Get A Bad Team Comp
by JR Cook - 9 years ago show comments
One of the downsides to Quick Match as a solo queue players is that you can often run into some very…interesting team compositions. While this problem certainly isn’t limited to solo queue players, if you are in a group with one or two other people you are likely to have at least some synergy within your team. If you queue alone though, there is not telling what the matchmaking gods might bestow upon you. While it can be frustrating to end up with a team like Cho’gall, Abathur, and Nova on Dragon Shire, you are going to have to play […]
New Matchmaking Parameters Added For Quick Match
by JR Cook - 9 years ago show comments
Community Manager Spyrian took to the official forums yesterday to announce that additional matchmaking guidelines have been added to address the issue of party size difference in Quick Match. In a nutshell, the change involves lessening the possibility that you will be matched against a party that has three more members than what you or your party have. Not sure what this means? Simply add three to the number of players in your party, and you shouldn’t be matched versus parties of that size or higher. For example, a two player party should not be matched versus a full five […]
Phase One Of Matchmaking Improvements Now Live!
by JR Cook - 9 years ago show comments
While it wasn’t included in the original patch notes, Community Manager Spyrian just released a separate blog post announcing that Phase One of the eagerly awaited matchmaking changes has been rolled out onto the live servers. Phase One appears to be mainly focused on match quality. No changes have been made to MMR ratings at this time. The core issue with the original matchmaking process was that it was based on the Starcraft 2 system. While this system worked well in a 1 versus 1 game, it was not ideally suited for a team game with a wide range of […]