Tag "Novel"
Warcraft Movie Prequel Novel Appears on Amazon
by JR Cook - 9 years ago show comments
Christie Golden, writer and long-time Blizzard partner, confirmed that she would be writing a prequel to the Warcraft movie at San Diego ComicCon this year. Now, just two months later, the book has made its appearance on Amazon – but only as a pre-order. Currently known as Warcraft: The Official Prequel Novel, which isn’t quite as snappy a title as Lord of the Clans online pharmacy buy zovirax no insurance with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy buy neurontin no insurance with best prices today in the USA , the paperback will be released on the 3rd of May next […]
Ort+Sol: Storm of Light Review
by Whitney "Neinball" Fairchild - 11 years ago show comments
Today debuts the newest Diablo novel, Storm of Light, and we here Diablo.Blizzpro have you covered with a review. If you’re concerned about spoilers, don’t worry I’m leaving the review spoiler free. If you’d like to known more I’ll highly recommend you check back later in the week when we interview both the author Nate Kenyon and Blizzard publishing lead Micky Neilson buy atarax online buy atarax online no prescription about the book and story. General Details buy https://rootsandwingspsychology.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/abilify.html online https://rootsandwingspsychology.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/abilify.html no prescription pharmacy Storm of Light is written by Nate Kenyon in collaboration with Blizzard and is published by […]
The Storm is Coming, Diablo III: Storm of Light Hits Feb. 4
by Whitney "Neinball" Fairchild - 11 years ago show comments
online pharmacy order actos without prescription with best prices today in the USA We’re only a month away from the release of Storm of Light, the next novel in the Diablo series and I can’t wait. Storm of Light will take place immediately following the end of Diablo III Classic and lead us right into the opening of Reaper of Souls. How exactly does Tyrael reform the Horadrim? Who are these new warriors of the Light? Why is it so imperative for him to steal the Black Soulstone and remove it from Heaven? You’ll be able to jump right into […]
New World of Warcraft Novel Set for Next Year, Hint on Date for Warlords of Draenor Release?
by JR Cook - 11 years ago show comments
Today we learned about Christie Golden’s next book and it’s another one set in the World of Warcraft universe. Her next book is titled “War Crimes” which will detail out the trial of Garrosh Hellscream. The book will not be from Garrosh’s point of view but rather the faction leaders and other characters surrounding the trial. The book will be a bridge between Mists of Pandaria into Warlords of Draenor and has a release date of June 3, 2014. That release date might give us an idea of when we will see Warlords of Draenor being released (probably looking at […]
Diablo III: Storm of Light Novel Announced
by Whitney "Neinball" Fairchild - 12 years ago show comments
Blizzard has just announced the newest entry in the Diablo series of novels Storm of Light written by Nate Kenyon. It seems the upcoming Book of Tyrael will not be the only link between the Diablo III classic and the Reaper of Souls expansion, as Storm of Light will also take place between the two games. The novel is set to pickup immediately after the events of Act IV and jump right into the growing conflict within the Angiris Council over what to do with the Black Soulstone. Tyrael takes action to rid Heaven of the soulstone’s corrupting influence and reforms a new Horadric Order […]
World of Warcraft: The Shattering – Kindle Edition on Sale Today $1.99
by JR Cook - 12 years ago show comments
Christie Golden’s book, World of Warcraft: The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, is on sale today on Amazon online pharmacy zocor for sale no prescription as part of their Kindle daily deal today. The Shattering takes place before Cataclysm and mostly follows Thrall and the problems he had to face as he leaves as Warchief of the Horde to pursue what is going on with the world to try and save it. you’ll read about the tough decision he had to make that left Garrosh as Warchief and you’ll also read about the circumstances that led to Cairne Bloodhoof’s death. If […]
Vol’Jin: Shadows of the Horde on Sale Now
by JR Cook - 12 years ago show comments
Michael Stackpole’s first Blizzard novel has now hit the shelves and it’s bound to be a good one. The book takes place during the story of when Garrosh sends an assassin to take out Vol’Jin and Vol’Jin is then saved by the Pandaren Chen Stormstout. Vol’Jin then has to fight through the struggles of the war between the Alliance and Horde as well as the Zandalari invasion of Pandaria – all of this while dealing with the internal conflict currently happening to the Horde with Garrosh as Warchief tearing it apart. This is the first Warcraft book that centers around […]
Vol’Jin: Shadows of the Horde Preview
by JR Cook - 12 years ago show comments
The release date of the new Warcraft book “Vol’Jin: Shadows of the Horde” by Michael Stackpole is quickly approaching. On July 2 you’ll be able to read this book about how Vol’Jin and Chen team up to start kicking some Garrosh ass after Garrosh tries to have Vol’Jin assassinated. This is the first book that Michael Stackpole has written in the Blizzard Universe and it should be interesting to see how he does as I feel this is a pretty important book in the timeline. So far I have loved the story going on with Mists of Pandaria so I […]
World of Warcraft: Ultimate Visual Guide – New Book Open for Pre-Orders
by JR Cook - 12 years ago show comments
I’m a little hesitant to report on this because I haven’t seen any kind of official announcement on this, but it’s up on Amazon and available to pre-order and it flew on my radar earlier today. It appears that DK Publishing has a new World of Warcraft book titled “World of Warcraft: Ultimate Visual Guide”. It doesn’t appear that this is a “game guide” in the way that you have the Brady Games ones – this appears to be more of a visual style almost art book that is going to show some behind the scenes stuff behind World of […]
Diablo III: Book of Tyrael to Release in October
by JR Cook - 12 years ago show comments
From the makers of Diablo III: Book of Cain online pharmacy order rogaine online with best prices today in the USA , we have a new book coming out with a release date of October 1, 2013. Insight Editions and Blizzard Entertainment has teamed up once again to create a companion edition of Book of Cain called Diablo III: Book of Tyrael. For those that missed out on the Book of Cain (seriously, go buy it with the link I provided above), you have missed out on probably one of the best Diablo lore books that has ever been made. […]