Tag "Balance update"

New Patch Brings Major Quick Match Changes

by - 6 years ago

Are you ready to answer the Call? The latest Heroes of the Storm patch has brought with it the eagerly awaited role restrictions for Quick Match. Labeled “Call of the Nexus”, Quick Match comps will now prioritize creating teams with at least one Warrior, Support, and Ranged Assassin. In the case of pre-made groups of three or more the following rules will also be in effect: Parties of 3 must have at least one of the required Hero categories selected to queue. Parties of 4 must have at least two of the required Hero categories selected to queue. Parties of […]

Balance Update for October 31, 2018

by - 6 years ago

Mal’Ganis has been at the top of the win rates since his release so it was just a matter of time before a new Balance Update was released. The only question was would it arrive before or after Blizzcon. Today that question was answered. In addition to the expected Mal’Ganis nerfs, other Heroes receiving significant changes include Kel’Thuzad, Tyrande, and Blaze. Continue scrolling down to view the full Patch Notes.

SC2 Twitch Drops Return, Recent Balance Mod Update, & Future Changes

by - 6 years ago

StarCraft 2 Twitch Loot Drops Return Tune into Twitch for the championship tournaments any time between opening week and the actual BlizzCon for some guaranteed drops and some random ones to spice things up. The rewards also work for Heroes of the Storm, and the details get a little sticky. Read on:     Balance Mod Update & Future Changes Don’t forget that you can find a complete list of proposed changes on the official blog (bottom of post). Also, don’t miss the 4.6.2 patch notes that just hit October 16.

Latest Balance Update Includes Buffs For Yrel

by - 7 years ago

A new Balance Update was released today and it was a big one. In total, 17 Heroes saw adjustments in this patch. The Yrel buffs we have all been expecting finally came through but now that her win rate has climbed to the mid 40% range the buffs weren’t as dramatic as we might have expected two weeks ago. Here is a quick TLDR rundown on who looks to be getting buffed, who appears to be getting nerfed, and whose is getting quality of life or talent diversity changes that don’t easily fall into either category. Buffs Cassia Fenix Greymane […]

Balance Update For May 9, 2018

by - 7 years ago

A new Balance Update was unleashed upon the Nexus earlier today and it was a big one. Eighteen Heroes in all saw changes including popular Meta Heroes like Fenix, Hanzo, Stukov, and Sonya. Here is a quick TLDR summary of who got buffed, who got nerfed, and who just got changed along with the basic theme of their changes: Buffs Tychus (Overkill cooldown and mana cost reduced) Ana (Shrike damage to all enemies now heals Ana) Auriel (Bestow Hope buffed) Nerfs Fenix (survivability reduced) Hanzo (range reduced) Maiev (survivability reduced) Thrall (Chain Lighting damage reduced) Tracer (Recall destination will now be […]

Balance Update for April 11, 2018

by - 7 years ago

After a short delay to fix a log in issue, Patch 31.2 is now live! This patch brings with it some major changes to several popular Heroes. There is, of course, the expected Fenix nerf. His basic damage has been reduced, as has the damage from Plasma Cutter (Q). He has also had several of his most popular talents nerfed as well. Will these changes be enough to bring Fenix back in line with other Heroes? We’ll have to wait and see… Aside from that, the biggest change is probably related to Sylvanas. Her Trait, Black Arrow, will no longer […]

Latest Balance Update Targets Maiev, Sonya, Thrall and Others

by - 7 years ago

A new Balance Update was released earlier today affecting several popular Heroes. The TLDR version is that Valla, Zul’jin, Medivh, Aurial, and Artanis are being tuned up. Greymane, Maiev, Thrall, Malfurion, Blaze, Sonya, and Tyrael are being tuned down. In addition to the Hero changes, there are also several bug fixes that could acts as buffs or nerfs to the affected characters so don’t forget to read that part of the Patch Notes as well. Speaking of Patch Notes, you can find them by scrolling down.

Maiev Receives Early Nerf

by - 7 years ago

As many expected, Maiev Shadowsong came out of the gate strong. So strong in fact, that Team 1 felt the need to nerf her after only two days of play on the live server. Normally Balance Updates come out on Wednesdays but with Maiev’s win rate hovering around 65% the Balance Team must have felt like they couldn’t wait that long to make changes. Gone is the passive armor from Vault of the Warden (D) and her Basic Attack damage has been reduced by roughly 10%. The damage from her Fan of Knives (Q) ability was also reduced but only […]

Balance Update for January 24, 2018

by - 7 years ago

It’s Wednesday in the Nexus and you know what that means: Balance Update! Heroes getting tuned up include Valeera, Brightwing, Tyrande, and Blaze. Heroes getting tuned down include Hanzo, Sgt. Hammer, Sylvanas, and Sonya. The Valeera buff looks promising so expect to see more of her, at least when she isn’t stealthed. The Sonya changes, the nerf to Nerves of Steel, in particular, are significant. You can learn more about exactly how each of these Heroes is changing in the Patch Notes below.

New Balance Update For November 29, 2017 Targets Supports

by - 7 years ago

Blizzard gave us a sneak peek today at a new Balance Update that will hit the live server this Wednesday. PTR players may have already encountered some of these changes as they were included in a PTR patch earlier today. The big news in this patch is that every single Support Hero in the game is receiving changes. You read that right. All 14 Support Heroes are being changed in this patch. Check out the patch notes below for specific Hero changes, but the TLDR version is that every Support Hero is having their Health and/or Healing output reduced. In […]

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