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Dailies in Diablo?

by - 10 years ago


No, this isn’t a WoW feature bleeding over into RoS, but it definitely has the spirit of daily quests.

The talk of the town lately has been the new Adventure Mode that was first debuted at Blizzcon.  One of the core features of Adventure Mode is the Bounty system that rewards you with exp, gold and the new currency bloodshards for killing certain unique monsters or completing events in the world.   Not all of these objectives are created equal so some Bounties are much easier to complete then others, so how do you find a way to get players to go out of their way to complete some of the longer bounties or traveler to the harder Acts?

Blizzard has come up with a potential solution to the issue that will give players an incentive to go out and explore the world.  In the beta certain Acts have a bonus that will double the amount of rewards you receive for  any Bounties completed in that Act.  You can see an example of today’s bonuses in the picture above and the bonus reward below.  The list of which Acts that have bonuses seem to reset on a daily basis and even though Act I has gotten the bonus every day so far this could very easily be attributed to RNG.  It’s just too early to make any assumptions about how the mechanic rotates the bonuses around or if there are other potential bonuses besides the double rewards.  The sky is the limit with how Blizzard could leverage this system.

Just imagine a bonus that rewards increased loot drops from Bosses, triple or quadruple bloodshard rewards, Bounties that have a chance at rewarding Legendaries.  There are just too many ways to go about it, I really hope that Blizzard latches onto this and pushes it further as it’d be a great way of getting players to branch out of predefined loot runs like the current Act I and Act III runs.


As the beta continues and we get more data some patterns may become apparent, but rest assured we’ll keep you updated.

Looking for more Reaper of Souls info?  Tune in to Archon the Wizard and Neinball on twitch.tv for streams and follow us on twitter @Blizzpro and @Neinball.

Whitney Fairchild

Whitney "Neinball" Fairchild has been involved in the Diablo podcasting community since 2011. He focuses on the analyzing game development and the lore & story of the Diablo franchise.

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