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Come Help A Fellow Diablo Community Member – WolfCryer

by - 4 years ago

We all know our Diablo community may not be the biggest compared to other Blizzard games at the moment, but that makes it easier to get to know each other. Either through content via streaming or YouTube, our community has grow as deep as much as it is wide.

So with that, one of our shinning members, WolfCryer, has fallen on some hard times and is asking the community for help, which was not easy for him to do. He details in length the problems on his GoFundMe Page to be crystal clear and upfront with anyone willing to help; big or little.

As someone who has most of the responsibilities he has in life, I hopped to answer his call, just as he has asked us so many times for his #LWAC Charity drive season after season. He is a rare person to find within any community, and now it’s time to help him!

I will only reiterate what he says at the end:

We ALL have our problems and roadblocks that life throws at us and I fully understand that my problems are not worse than others.  If you would like to help me out please feel free to do so… but if you cannot, please know that I still appreciate you all!

~WolfCryer via GoFundMe Page

He is a great person doing wonderful things within the community and using the community to do wonderful things for others. He is a fellow hacker and slasher of demons. Most of all, a person I call a friend. If you can spare some change, and not place undo burden on yourself, I am sure it will be appreciated by WolfCryer and his family 100%.

Thank you!

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Robert G.

Robert a.k.a “Dredscythe” has been on the Diablo 3 scene since closed beta with a passion to play the game. He brings a fresh perspective, grounded in sound ideas, based on true development concepts to give ideas to improve and push the game forward. Current Diablo Site Manager, News Reporter and Graphic artist here at Blizzpro.

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