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Diablo III: Storm of Light Novel Announced

by - 12 years ago

Storm of Light

Blizzard has just announced the newest entry in the Diablo series of novels Storm of Light written by Nate Kenyon.

It seems the upcoming Book of Tyrael will not be the only link between the Diablo III classic and the Reaper of Souls expansion, as Storm of Light will also take place between the two games.  The novel is set to pickup immediately after the events of Act IV and jump right into the growing conflict within the Angiris Council over what to do with the Black Soulstone.  Tyrael takes action to rid Heaven of the soulstone’s corrupting influence and reforms a new Horadric Order to steal the soulstone and hide it in Sanctuary.  I wonder how much overlap there will be between Storm of Light and the Book of Tyrael since the later is supposed to document Tyrael’s journey throughout Sanctuary after becoming the Aspect of Wisdom.  I’m sure we’ll get some hints to the story of Storm of Light in the Book of Tyrael but it seems the information on the new Horadric Order and the recovery of Heaven after Hell’s invasion may be saved for next year.

In Storm of Light we’ll also see some familiar faces from previous stories in the Diablo universe.  We will catch up with the main characters from the Diablo III comic Jacob, Shanar and Gynvir, and get to see what they’ve been up to since the events of the battles near Staalbreak.  Making another return will be the monk Mikulov from Nate Kenyon’s previous Diablo novel The Order.  The most surprising off all the characters though has to be Zayl.  Zayl is a necromancer and a prominent character in Richard A. Knack’s Diablo novels The Kingdom of Shadow and Moon of the Spider.  What has Zayl been up to all these years?  How did the other necromancers take his slaying of one the most famous members of their order?  Will he give up the teachings of Rathma and join the Horadrim?  Does he still carry Murray Humbart in his bag?

Look forward to Storm of Light releasing in February 2014 and it is available for pre-order now.

To be Horadrim is to put the lives of others before your own.

Earlier this year, we offered players a first glimpse at the upcoming Diablo III: Book of Tyrael, and today we’re thrilled to announce the next novel in the Diablo series, Storm of Light!

Written by Nate Kenyon, author of The Order, Storm of Light is a bridge between the events of Diablo III and the story that is to come in its first expansion, Reaper of Souls. This new novel features Jacob and Shanar from the Sword of Justice comic series and is now available for pre-order at Simon and Schuster.

Read on to find out what momentous events lie ahead in Diablo III: Storm of Light!

The High Heavens are healing after the fall of the Prime Evil. The Angiris Council has recovered the Black Soulstone and now stands vigil over the cursed artifact deep within the glimmering Silver City.

Amid these momentous events, Tyrael struggles with his position as the new Aspect of Wisdom, feeling out of place as a mortal among his angelic brethren and doubting his ability to fully embody his role. As he searches within himself and the Heavens for reassurance, he senses the Black Soulstone’s grim influence on his home. Where harmony of light and sound once reigned, a mounting discord is threatening to shroud the realm in darkness. Imperius and the other archangels vehemently oppose moving or destroying the crystal, leading Tyrael to put Heaven’s fate in the hands of humankind….

Drawing powerful humans to his side from the far ends of Sanctuary, Tyrael reforges the ancient Horadrim and charges the order with an impossible task: to steal the soulstone from the heart of Heaven. Among the champions entrusted with this burden are Jacob of Staalbreak, former avatar of Justice and guardian of the angelic blade El’druin; Shanar, a wizard with phenomenal powers; Mikulov, a lithe and reverent monk; Gynvir, a fearless and battle-hardened barbarian; and Zayl, a mysterious necromancer. With time and the forces of both good and evil against them, can these heroes unite as one and complete their perilous mission before the Heavens fall to ruin?

Be among the first to find out what happens to our heroes and pre-order your copy of Storm of Light atSimon and Schuster today.

If you’re looking to get caught-up with all of the books that take place in the world of Diablo, we’d also recommend checking out this complete listing of the Diablo books in chronological order.

So get to reading, and prepare for the return of Tyrael and the new Horadrim!

Whitney Fairchild

Whitney "Neinball" Fairchild has been involved in the Diablo podcasting community since 2011. He focuses on the analyzing game development and the lore & story of the Diablo franchise.

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