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BlizzPro Ladder Optimizer #26: March Of The Timmys (BPLO, Meta-Meta Report)

by - 6 years ago


We are still shifting the meta around but the shifts are getting smaller every day. Read the full analysis in the infographic. For mor information about Spike, Johnny, and Timmy.

Directly below you find the “Understanding BPLO section which explains everything relevant about the numbers provided.  As always, feel free and encouraged to tweet @BlizzPro@MacDaddyGonz, and @OtakuMZ1978, if you have questions, suggestions, or feedback.

Understanding BPLO

Top Effective Win Rates (Measured in %)

Our picks for the strongest decks to play on ladder. Effective win rate % values indicate the expected win rate across all games played using this deck. Choose these decks to ensure you have the best chance at winning games.

Top Effective Laddering (Measured in net star gain per hour)

The most time efficient decks to play on ladder. Net gain per hour values indicate the expected number of stars earned per hour using this deck. Choose these decks to climb the ladder in the quickest time possible.

Note: The above metrics are given for the average player. Stronger players and players who correctly tech their deck for the meta may have much higher effective win rates and net star gain per hour using these decks! The contrary goes for below average players.

Top Decks Played (Measured in %)

Indicates which decks are the most often played. Get familiar with these decks because they are your enemy. Make sure you understand how to defeat these with your deck.

Salty Decks (Measured in %)

Direct counters to each of the three most popular decks. Win rate % indicates the salty deck’s average winrate against the popular deck. Use these on ladder at your own risk – they may be very strong against the one deck, but terrible against everything else! Salty decks may be more appropriate in tournament lineups where you can use a ban to avoid bad matchups.

The Chart (Measured in pretty graphs)

Plots effective win rate and net gain per hour for all tier 1 and 2 decks (decks with an effective win rate above 50%). All Ranks shown in Green, Ranks 5 – Legend shown in Red. Use this chart to see all decks which are viable for laddering.

BPLO Infographic

Standard Decklists

[wcp_deck id=”24691″]

[wcp_deck id=”24766″]

[wcp_deck id=”24835″]

[wcp_deck id=”24687″]

[wcp_deck id=”24661″]

[wcp_deck id=”24686″]

[wcp_deck id=”24870″]

[wcp_deck id=”24681″]

[wcp_deck id=”24676″]

[wcp_deck id=”24674″]

[wcp_deck id=”24673″]

[wcp_deck id=”24679″]

[wcp_deck id=”24865″]

[wcp_deck id=”24677″]

[wcp_deck id=”24684″]

[wcp_deck id=”24678″]

[wcp_deck id=”24700″]

[wcp_deck id=”24827″]

[wcp_deck id=”24675″]

[wcp_deck id=”24680″]

[wcp_deck id=”24667″]


Budget Decklists

Coming soon (TM)? Until we update, the last episode of the WellMet! Podcast did cover some budget decks!

Martin "OtakuMZ" Z.

Real life physician and afterhour card battler. Martin "OtakuMZ" contributes to the Hearthstone team of BlizzPro since late 2015. Additionally, he contributes analytic articles for Hearthstone and Gwent as a member of Fade2Karma and in his collumn on the Gwentlemen site. He is best known for his infographics which can be accessed at a glance at https://www.facebook.com/hsinfographics and https://www.facebook.com/gwentinfographics

0 responses to “BlizzPro Ladder Optimizer #26: March Of The Timmys (BPLO, Meta-Meta Report)”

  1. Danny Antivalidis says:

    Thank you for making this…
    I find Big mage to be a autoloose for even shaman…
    How do u see that zoo deck in this meta? I see some people saying its a good aggro, and others say It cant handle the Big decks… thnx

    • hsdecktech says:

      There’s not much data on zoo right now, so this would have to be based more on anecdotal evidence and subjective impressions. I personally feel it is an okay deck, with which one could probably hit Legend with some time and skill, but that there are much better options that do similar things, so there’s not much point to playing it (which, I suspect, is what most other people thought and the reason why there’s little data on the deck). 🙂