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Written by [DKMR]WhtPwdr

Welcome to this week’s “What Would DKMR Do?” Each week we’ll present an in-game situation and discuss the possible lines of play. Here’s the scenario for this week:

WWDKMRD Druid v Warrior

Another challenging scenario too take a look at! This week we are playing Warrior against the opponents Druid who just dropped Cairne on an empty board. Let’s see how we can deal with this big threat!

Josh Gotiab says:

Slam, fiery war axe, armor up seems like a fine play under the circumstances.

Josh has kind of hit the nail on the head, he says that it seems like a fine play and there are no extremely good plays in this situation. The play that he has suggested at least allows us to kill off the first part of the Cairne and it draws us a card.

Maroon5five says:

I may just play the azure and pass. I would assume he would run Cairne into the drake and leave Cairne at one health leaving it an easy cleanup for the whirlwind if I choose to go that route next turn

Maroon5five has also spotted another “fine” play. The drake allows us to draw a card that might help our situation but we are very weak to something like swipe which puts us in the same spot next turn.

Tirisfal says:

I believe that slamming is choice that comes naturally. See what we draw as we don’t have any great plays this turn anyways. We have quite an advantage in terms of hand size so we don’t need to rush.

Tirisfal seems to agree with Josh that the first play we make is slamming the Cairne, Tirisfal is correct that the Druids hand size is quite small and if we do get something off the slam that is usefull, we are in a quite good position.

Salo says:

I would slam Cairne and see what I draw, if I don’t get anything important I would use Fiery War Axe to kill him and then armor up.

Salo also seems to agree that slamming the Cairne is the correct way to move forward and wait to see what we draw.

Ozmodan37 says:

I think I’d Slam Cairn and draw a card, drop the Armorsmith, then buy 2 more armor.

Ozmodan also tends to agree with the previous comments however he would drop the armorsmith instead of armoring up which has been the decision in the previous comments. This play is a bit interesting because it allows you to put a minion on the board but the problem is that the Baine will easily kill it off. This might be a bit better if we draw into something like execute off the slam but other than that might be a little bit of an inefficient way to use the armorsmith.

So what would DKMR do?

We would definitely slam the Cairne to start with, even though there are no great cards that we can draw that would completely turn this situation around. Ideally we draw something like execute which would allow us to remove the Cairne a little bit easier. We do feel however that even if we draw execute it is still better to kill of the Cairne with the Feiry War Axe. This will set up a great turn next turn where we could whirlwind execute the remaining Baine or another big minion that the Druid may have played. While playing the Armorsmith this turn after killing the Cairne with the War Axe may allow us not to play whirlwind if Baine attacks into the Armorsmith, this is of course banking on us drawing the execute.

The other play we have is dropping the Azure drake and drawing a card hoping that we can do something better next turn. When we do this play we are hoping that the Cairne will attack into the Azure Drake so that our whirlwind can finish it off next turn. This play is a little bit more risky because there a many different ways that the Druid can clear the Azure Drake such as a card like Swipe, Wrath, Force of Nature, etc. Even if he doesn’t have any of these cards it will still be awkward for us to remove the Cairne next turn which is why this play is slightly worse than than the play mentioned above.

Next week we’ll be talking about the scenario below. What would you do? Let us know in the comments!

WWDKMRD P v Hunter



[DKMR]WhtPwdr streams weekdays http://www.twitch.tv/whtpwdrHS.
You can find all of DKMR’s streamers on their website with times and the days they stream!

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “WWDKMRD #7”

  1. ciaranirl says:

    Probably peacekeeper the houndmaster, then guy + suicide the guy there into the spider.

  2. Nuclein says:

    Peacekeeper on the houndmaster, and use heroability. Its not enough for the equality finisher!

  3. Stolen Prayers says:

    Drop Loatheb. You get a 5/5 on the board and you’re baiting him into playing more minions and going face, thus improving future equality / pyromancer. He can alternatively trade 2 for 1 or pay 5 mana for a hunters mark, effectively wasting his turn.

  4. Tiago says:

    The best play I think is:
    Aldor the Spider > suicide the recruit into the Spider > Hero Power > Pass.

    The logic is:
    1. If the Hunter chooses to trade, he is forced to use the Houndmaster into my Aldor, trading a 4-mana creature into a 3 drop, which is advantageous.
    2. I deny the Hunter an easy trade of the taunted spider into my Aldor, which would generate +2 spectral spiders and make my board super weak in comparison.
    3. The death of the recruit makes Unleash less favorable as my board will only have 2 creatures + putting the spider in the kill range for the new recruit I just created.
    4. Next turn, if the Hunter doesn’t trade and just go face, next turn I have 1 recruit to finish the spider and Aldor to finish the Houndmaster, leaving only 2 weak non-beasts on the board.

    IMHO, it is weaker to drop the Gnomish Inventor or Loatheb. The problem of these plays is that the 7 damage to our face will put us in 12 health and our board in the next turn still does not enable us to adress the Houndmaster, as the taunted spider needs to die first and we could not create an additional recruit to do just that.

    In the other turn the Hunter will still have 5 damage from Houndmaster + 1 spectral spider on the board, and we are dead to Leeroy + hero power.

    Finally, even if Loatheb goes down, with 6 mana the Hunter can still use a Hunters Mark on Loatheb + kill with a Stonetusk Boar, preserving its 7-damage board for even longer. Really bad for us.

    • cosmeagol says:

      Aldor on the spider is interesting, i hadnt given it much thought. The problem with your play is that, although you reduce his potential damage by 2, your board is extremely weak, he has 6 cards in hand and no restriction. If he deals with the the Aldor Peacekeeper by means other than throwing the Huntmaster at it, you are still in a terrible situation and he still has the potential to develope a better board.
      Its a tough call.

      • Tiago says:

        You are right – still, I think it’s the best bet.

        The way I see for Hunters to deal with Aldor, other than a Houndmaster or a Kill Command (and he already used one Kill in the Sludge Belcher in the previous turn), is to Bow it.

        But if that’s the case, he would deal with the Gnomish Inventor or Loatheb anyway, by using the taunted spider + bow. Our board would therefore be equaly non-existent, and his would be Houndmaster + 2 spectral spiders.

        Whatever scenario here, I think we need to bet on something, as our current position and possible responses are far from great (or a total overkill in Pyro + Equality)

  5. cosmeagol says:

    tough call here. Way i see it gnomish inventor and pyromancer+equality are suboptimal. Both plays are mana inefficient, value inneficient and still leave the opponent with a more developed board. So we are left with two other plays, both with strengths and weaknesses:
    1) Loatheb: you drop a decent body on the field while locking potential spell answers (5 mana hunter’s mark or 6 mana arcane shot is not terrible for us as it wastes a whole turn). The problem is it leaves the hunter open to go full face-mode, and our health total is droping low. We do have a Guardian of Kings two turns ahead of us but that MIGHT be too late.
    2) Peacekeeper the Huntmaster and soldier up. This is more or less the opposite of the previous play. We partially deal with the opponent’s board but we dont develope ours that much. Also, we use up a Peacekeeper on a threat that isnt THAT big considering there might be a Savanah Highmane in the near future.
    On a side note, unless im fearing a Multi-shot, i would not attack with the soldier in any case. If he chooses to attack it or otherwise deal with it, hes wasting damage/cards on it. If he doesnt, then i can use it to kill a spiderling once i kill the creeper. In any case,dealing one extra damage to the creeper doesnt help us in any way.
    After some thoughts, i think id go with Loatheb. Both plays have their pros and cons, but the fact that Loatheb potentially shuts down his next turn or severly limits it (while the Peacekeeper play leaves him free to play whatever he thinks is best) tips the scales in favor of the fungus amungus