Diabolic Evolution: Izual
by JR Cook - 10 years ago show comments
Throughout the years, Diablo and the world around him have continued to change and evolve. With each new era, we are introduced to a brand new vision of what Hell and Sanctuary really are. Now, we fight in a world so extensive and complex that it is hard to believe that we started our journey in tiny little Tristram. Let us glance back into the past and remember that which was forgotten and realize the path it has taken to the reality of today.
And once again here we are with another edition of Diabolic Evolution, taking a nostalgic look at the reoccurring aspects that we all know and love. This week we shall look at another angel of the High Heavens, Izual. As Tyrael’s Lieutenant, he played a huge part in the lore of Sanctuary even before we met him in Diablo II roaming Pandemonium. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see him in all of his glory, where he personally helped drive back the Lords of Hell from the gates of Heaven. But enough of what we couldn’t see, let us delve into the past:
“Tyrael was a fool to have trusted me! You see, it was I who told Diablo and his Brothers about the Soulstones and how to corrupt them. It was I who helped the Prime Evils mastermind their own exile to your world. The plan we set in motion so long ago cannot be stopped by any mortal agency. Hell itself is poised to spill forth into your world like a tidal wave of blood and nightmares. You and all your kind…are doomed.”
In Diablo II, Izual can be one of the most frightening enemies outside of the Prime Evils. Just as you are calmly walking thru the upper levels of Pandemonium, slaying demons and such, here comes a twisted being, enslaved and tortured by hell. Now without further ado, let us examine his evolution:
The Original:
In Diablo II, Izual gave us a true taste of the evils that can be committed by Hell. After a great battle between the Heavens and Hell, Izual was captured, imprisoned, and tortured by Rakanoth, who we know very well from D3. Through this, they broke him and his spirit, causing the mutilated being we see. Let us look into some of the defining pieces of his evolution:
- Demonic, leathery wings fit for a corrupted angel.
- Horns and hoofs of a minotauresque demon, completing the appearance.
- Heart as cold as ice, broken from his imprisonment, shown even through his physical presence.
- Carries the angelic sword Azurewrath, a sword of great power which he uses to frightening efficiency.
- In his torture, he gave away the secret of the Soulstones allowing the Prime Evils to be able to corrupt them. This allowed Baal to go as far as to corrupt the World Stone, causing the great rift in the world.
- After defeat, his true spirit is released, apologizing for all that he has done, and thanking you for setting him free.
The Evolved:
“It seems we’ve both fallen from grace, Tyrael. Come, embrace your former lieutenant!”
- Izual has made his return, as Diablo is able to resurrect his shattered spirit. We see him fully consumed by the evil of hell, no longer apologetic but instead taunting Tyrael.
- Returns in his frosty form, but without his famous sword Azurewrath, having lost it when previously defeated.
- Is used by Diablo to attempt to anger and throw Tyrael into despair.
- Has a similar appearance, with almost no angelic features left.
And here we are at the close of another nostalgic look on our gaming past. Although seemingly minor, Izual plays a major role in the story of Diablo, particularly through Diablo II. Without him, the Prime Evils may never have had the ability to come to the mortal world. Let us remember the fond memories of the past, as we look into our future.