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Saviors of Uldum Spoiler List

by - 5 years ago

Hearthstone’s 12th major expansion, and the second expansion of the Year of the Dragon, will be released on August 6, 2019. The set will feature 135 new collectible cards. As with all sets in recent memory, each class will get two class-specific legendaries.

The set features a new keyword mechanic, a few exciting cycles, and the return of some old favorites:

  • Reborn is a keyword mechanic that works like a more narrow Deathrattle. The first time a Reborn minion dies, it is returned to the field with 1 Health remaining (they are damaged, instead of set to 1).
  • Plagues are a non-keyword cycle for the five League of E.V.I.L. classes (Warlock, Priest, Warrior, Rogue, and Shaman). The Plagues are big, powerful spells the affect both sides of the board.
  • Quests are coming back, too! This time, they are slightly different in that instead of giving you a card as a Reward, each one will automatically change your hero power. Each class will get a Quest as one of their Legendaries.

And, of course, the set will feature the return of the”Saviors” from “Saviors of Uldum,” the League of Explorers! All the explorers have now been revealed! Reno is a Mage, Sir Finley is a Paladin, Brann is a Hunter, and Elise is a Druid (and the Druid Hero Portrait, if you buy the $80 pre-order bundle).

As cards get revealed we will add them to the spoiler list until we have a full collection. We’ve arranged the neutral cards by rarity and then by casting cost and alphabetical order. Class cards are sorted by casting cost and alphabetical order, after all neutral cards.

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Last Updated July 31, 2019

Neutral Common (22/22)

Neutral Rare (9/9)

Neutral Epic (9/9)

Neutral Legendary (5/5)

Druid (10/10)

Hunter (10/10)

Mage (10/10)

Paladin (10/10)

Priest (10/10)

Rogue (10/10)

Shaman (10/10)

Warlock (10/10)

Warrior (10/10)


Nicholas Weiss

Is a lawyer by day and a cardslinger by night. He's decent at both. He's been playing Hearthstone since open beta and writing about it for a few years now.

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