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Hearthstone to Android Tablets December 2014

by - 10 years ago

For those of you have been begging for an Android version of Hearthstone, your day is quickly approaching. Announced today during the Activision-Blizzard Q3 Conference Call, Mike Morhaime announced that Hearthstone is slated to come to Android tablets December 2014. Hearthstone for smart phones do not yet have a release date but will be soon to follow.

This was already sort of announced a couple weeks ago here, but the wording in that post said “before the end of the year”. So at least now we know that will mean December instead of later this month. We expect to see the Android version on display at BlizzCon.


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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Hearthstone to Android Tablets December 2014”

  1. Troy Scully says:

    Galaxy Note 4 too please. Cmon its almost a tablet with the stylus and all

    • Nicolas Leotier says:

      It’s probably only a matter of time for someone from XDA to port it to smartphone

      • Eduardo Speroni says:

        Honestly, just installing the APK would work. I can run most games for tablet on my S3. The interface gets a little small sometimes, but that’s it.

    • snacks says:

      stylus doesn’t make a tablet, unfortunately.

    • frank says:

      You can already use splashtop2 to stream it to your tablet while it runs on your pc. I’ve been playing it on my tablet since I first got into beta. It works extremely well.

  2. Scott Whitmore says:

    That’s a picture of a Windows 8 tablet…

    • asdboy12 says:

      Not even a tablet, its a Lenovo Yoga, a convertible laptop

    • Eldorian says:

      Yep. It was late and I had an early morning flight. I didn’t have a picture of an android tablet in our media library and this was the only close thing I had. So I went with it instead of making something custom so I could pack for blizzcon.

  3. rafa alskdfnlk says:

    is not a tablet, it’s an All in portable

  4. Steven Neal says:

    I hope this never comes to android. I won’t get anything done. Ever.

  5. Bazkur says:

    I’ve got my fingers crossed for Kindle Fire

    • Nick Lahanas says:

      Go ahead and uncross them unless you want to unlock it.

      • Bazkur says:

        Certainly a longshot but when they ran surveys for which devices people would like to see it on, they had Kinda Fire as an option. Technically it’s possible, just has to be sold through the Amazon store. Unity3D can port to Kindle Fire though.

  6. SkyLord_Oscar says:

    I will be so happy when this comes out for hearthstone because i dont have acsess to my pc that much but i have it to my android tablet all the time!! Yay bearly cant wait!!!

  7. Cody says:

    Will this include android phones?