Upcoming Changes to Primal Ancients
by Hotstreak - 8 years ago show comments
Community Manager Tyvalir took to the forums yesterday to give some details regarding the upcoming changes to Primal Ancient items on the Public Test Realm. Instead of just being rarer versions of Ancient items with higher rolls, they will now roll perfect Ancient level stats and only start dropping after you complete Greater Rift 70 solo. Perfect stat ranges will also be kept when rerolling them at the Mystic. Along with these changes they will also be increasing the amount of Forgotten Souls that you get when salvaging Ancient items to 3 while Primal Ancients will salvage into 15.
Hey all,As we mentioned previously, getting your feedback on Primal Ancients has been super helpful. We’ve heard some really good points, and along with this, we’ll be making some changes to how these items work in an upcoming PTR patch.
Rather than increase the power they give you beyond Ancient items, Primal Ancients will now instead roll perfect Ancient-level stats tailored to the character class you’re playing when the item first drops. Rerolling any of these at the Mystic will also yield only perfect rolls.
Along with this, these items will be even more rare than they currently are, and will only begin dropping after a character on your account has completed Greater Rift 70 solo (with separate unlocks for Hardcore and normal characters).
Finally, we hear you on wanting Ancient and Primal Ancient items to salvage into something more valuable. With the upcoming PTR patch, Ancient items will salvage into 3 Forgotten Souls, and Primal Ancients will salvage into 15 Forgotten Souls (yay reforging \o/).
We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback once you’ve had a chance to test these changes. Thanks again, and happy hunting.
Keep in mind that this is all still subject to change as patch 2.5 is still on the PTR, so I encourage everyone playing on it to keep giving their feedback to help Blizzard tune and tweak this system.
How do you feel about these changes? Do you think it’s a better solution? Or did you like the previous iteration better? Let us know in the comments below!