New Announcement Coming July 28th
by JR Cook - 8 years ago show comments
The Hearthstone team just sent out an invite to an event that will be streamed on July 28th, and with it presumably the announcement for the next adventure mode (especially considering the invite literally says they have an unforgettable adventure planned). We have our thoughts that Karazhan will be announced and it looks like a week from Thursday we’ll find out if we’re correct.
The event will be streamed at on July 28th at 11:00 PM PDT. The email we received said it’s coming to ChinaJoy so might be the reason for the late time frame. Yes, it says PM and not AM.
Thanks for contributing to the discussion.
It’s not like you have contributed anything valuable.
Anyway, my gold is ready to buy whole adventure, gimme.
Glad to see “first” is still alive and well.
Raven feathers? An old friend? MEDIVH & KARAZHAN CONFIRMED, BOYS.
the picture on the top is literally of karazhan in world of warcraft.
This isn’t a Blizzard website though, so it doesn’t prove anything. “Karazhan is our best guess, so attach a pic of Karazhan to the story to get people hyped”
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Morores ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Hmm, unannounced visitors, Preparations must be made…
Now, where was I? Oh yes…
You Rang?